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Considering bank money is backed by debt,
and debt is caused by a lack of property,
soon we will realize we can create a new
cryptocoin backed by real property which
will track a society's true productivity
and so finally escape the cyclic crashes.


2018-11-28: SmartLands.io Another problematic token used to speculate on the exchange value of land.

2018-11-13: 1Hive.org >>1Hive is research and development organization dedicated to supporting a future that is more free, fair, and open.

>>Hive Commons License - An alternative to permissive and copyleft open source licenses intended to support a self-sustaining digital commons. Status: 🔬 Research
>>Apiary - A curation market platform for the creation and funding of DAOs. Status: 🔬 Research

2018-11-13: SOBOL.io >>Advance your organization toward decentralized, humanistic work

2018-11-13: MAS.Gov.SG/singapore-financial-centre/payment-and-settlement-systems/payment-media/stored-value-facilities.aspx

>>A Stored Value Facility (SVF) is a form of prepaid electronic cash or card that can be used within the system of the SVF issuer.  The SVF issuer is known as the holder of the stored value.  Some electronic SVFs are also known as e-money.  Usage of SVFs usually does not require Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) or signatures.  The Payment Systems (Oversight) Act (PS(O)A) and its related regulations governs the issuance and management of SVFs.  Please access these regulations via the Key Resources links below.

If the money in circulation should be limited by productivity,
and if productivity is limited by the Factors of Production,
why not back a money by the Factors of Production?

House Cache
 Home Cash

If the amount of money should be limited to productivity,
and if productivity is limited by Land, Capital and Labor,
why not back a money by Land, Capital and Labor?

2018-11-08: Docs.BlockStack.org/browser/hello-blockstack.html

2018-11-08: CollectiveOne.org >>CollectiveOne is a method (and a platform) to develop open, decentralized and collaborative initiatives: initiatives to which anyone can, potentially, contribute, and which are collectively owned and self-governed by their contributors.

"'Futures-backed currency ... replaces the top down control of interest and size of the money supply with a bottom up solution based on a traceable concrete value. Current monetary systems are difficult and awkward to stabilize while accounting for delayed and conflicting information, political interference and the changing demands of international trade and local businesses. With futures-backed currency, punitive forms of inflation are eliminated and economic growth becomes a natural industry-specific attribute, while changes to the size of the money supply become an automatic stabilizer. This currency, backed by the future delivery of a product or service, satisfies all the needed functions of money. It is a store of value, a medium of exchange, and a unit of account. It is in theory better at these functions than traditional fiat currencies like the Euro, popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, and even gold backed cryptocurrencies such as Digix.'" The Future is Money -- James Zdralek  SAP.com/canada/documents/2017/11/382d86c5-e07c-0010-82c7-eda71af511fa.html

2018-11-08: No mention of land: BlockChain.com/static/pdf/StablecoinsPPTFinal.pdf

2018-11-08: Tasks or Taxes
Will workers at BlockChains.com sing "I Owe My Soul to the Company Store"?

 an owner as you work for others, we can specialize without passing tokens.

"'Seigniorage /ˈseɪnjərɪdʒ/, also spelled seignorage or seigneurage (from Old French seigneuriage "right of the lord (seigneur) to mint money")

-- Wikipedia.org/wiki/Seigniorage

"'The scheme outlined in the Sams white paper uses two different types of token on the same blockchain, called coins and shares, respectively. Coins are designed to have a stable value over time. Shares, which fluctuate in value, entitle the owner to a share of the system's future seigniorage profits.'" -- ArsTechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/04/why-investors-pumped-133-million-into-stablecoin-basis

If Seigniorage is "future profits", what is "future products"...

2018-11-07: Interviewed with EPAM

2018-11-07: LinkedIn.com/feed/update/activity:6465945563518115840
We can use these funds to buy undeveloped land and tools without debt.

We can move the homeless there immediately and begin building a self-sustaining city using permaculture to grow all food and low-tech solutions to supply housing and energy.

Those who can work receive 'upgrades', eliminating the need to use money or rent.

Eventually all work and other costs must be supplied from within the city, by those citizens and their tools.

If some consumers will pay early for some goods and services, we can build private cities where we can eventually also live rent free.

2018-11-06: FinTechPolicy.org/?p=30609 >>Systemically important cryptocurrency networks

"'... block producers on these anarchic networks are rewarded an endogenous value (seigniorage) to secure the network.

Creating systemically important cryptocurrency networks is likely the most ironic phenomenon to have arisen from an anarchic experiment started on a mailing list ten years ago.  Yet here we are.

If you are interested in participating in something that doesn’t merely enrich existing coin holders at the expense of society and the environment, highly recommend reading Ray Dillinger’s recent interview and also looking into dFMI.  And then circle back to the CBDC report from the BIS this past March.'"

2018-11-06: BlockStack.org >>Earn App Mining payouts if you build a popular app.     Scale your app without limitations of the blockchain.     Gain a competitive advantage by giving your users data ownership.

2018-11-06: PrimalGirl.com >>HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA -- The Hidden Plague

2018-11-05: TheFamily.co >>

2018-11-05: CityCoin: It's like a prediction market, but for product instead of profit.

2018-11-05: Answering Chat.C-ORG.co/t/new-improved-definition-of-a-continuous-organization

CityCoin aligns stakeholder interests.

📈 Continuous Fundraising becomes a direct form of voting.  You simply prepay for the 'public' goods or services you want.

🏄 Fully liquid. The bonding curve guarantees that an investor will always be able to buy or sell their FAIRs (though not necessarily at the price they wants), even in the absence of being listed on the public market.

🌳Attractive to long-term investors. By construction, the DAT limits short-term speculators and attracts long-term investors.

💲 FAIRs are a claim on future products handled by the DAT and should be valued as such.

💬 Governance is direct individual control which is easy to delegate or revoke.

When consumer pays early for future products.  (Investing)
When consumer pays late for current products.  (paying Profit when buying surplus Product)

When owners remove this agreement from land or tools.

sponsored burning creating incentives for investors to buy and hold DATTs while funding the beneficiary organization until it starts generating revenues.

pre-revenue . Before the organization generates any product, the price appreciation of DATTs is due to investors’ speculation in anticipation of future product.

post-revenues . Once products begin to flow, the price appreciation of DATTs starts being driven by the products generated by the organization.

2018-11-05: https://chat.c-org.co/t/what-problems-do-continuous-organisations-solve

It makes sense for consumers to be owners when they can predict they will need that good or service.

Management can be kept separate from ownership just as shareholders do now, by hiring managers.

Holding the Means of Production (Land and Tools) because you need the results creates a strange economy where each good and service is pre-allocated to those who predict they will need it.

This eliminates the final sale of that good or service (except when selling surplus to others), causing profit and possibly even sales tax to disappear.


Rent is a massive flow of value from the poor to the rich.

But rent is 0 when occupier is owner.

We can sell a coin backed by the Use Value of real estate,
and use those funds to buy that Land and some Tools to
start new societies owned and operated by their citizens.

2018-11-04: Booting Democracy.Earth ...

xterm -e 'curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh'

git clone https://github.com/DemocracyEarth/sovereign.git
cd sovereign
npm install
meteor npm run start:dev

open http://localhost:3000

2018-11-03: The Kernel Developers Guide to a GNU Economy

INPUTS: The Land, Tools and Labor required for production.
OUTPUTS: Goods and Services

1: Prepay for future OUTPUTS, to avoid startup debt.
2: When the user is the owner, there is no sale.

property misallocation.
Property held by is owner-occupied
The owner of INPUTS is the owner of OUTPUTS.

Property acqusition through threshold funding
If some consumers can prepay,

Property rights preallocate product
eliminates the transaction that otherwise inverts our natural goals of abundance and permanent solutions.

Money is a few things mixed together: Property, Promises, and usually Profit.

2018-11-03: TerraFina.org >>Terrafina Foundation’s mission is to create the infrastructure for land-backed stable-value cryptocurrencies which provide farmland stewardship organisations with access to interest-free capital.

2018-11-03: KulturLand.de >>We acquire farmland, meadows, pastures, hedgerows and biotopes and provide the country with regionally integrated farms that market organic food locally ... part of the Kulturland cooperative, you can take responsibility for your 2,000 m 2 and, if you wish, take part in court life.

2018-11-03: OpenCrowdInvest.org >>

Heal gut:
Fermented food

Sugar: white bread, pastry, ice cream
Yeast: unpeeled fruit, aged cheese, mushrooms.
Nightshades: potato, tomato, tobacco, curry, eggplant, paprika/pimento, huckleberry, goji berry, pepino mellon
