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Related: Freedom, Stallman.org

Richard Matthew Stallman [Saint. IGNUcius] wrote the first GNU General Public License.

"'These are the freedoms that enable a people to form a community.  If you don't have all these freedoms you are being divided and dominated by somebody. '" -- RMS in Revolution-OS.com

"'My goal is to give people the freedom to cooperate.  This has nothing to do with "making them equal".'" -- LinuxPlanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/2063/1

"'That you don't have to assume that somebody has to... that the only way you can get anything done is if somebody owns something, or controls it has his property and dominates everyone else involved with it.'" -- RMS at Carnall.Demon.co.uk/stallman/lunch.html

"'With free software, the users are in control.  Most of the time, users want interoperability, and when the software is free, they get what they want.  With non-free software, the developer controls the users.  The developer permits interoperability when that suits the developer; what the users want is beside the point.'" -- "Three Minutes with Richard Stallman" PCWorld.com/article/137098

At 1:32:52 a barely audible question is asked about web services.
RMS replies "'I see all this in terms of the question of whether you control your computing.  So, I think it's um, you know the problem is if you use somebody else's copy, then you don't control it and you couldn't.  You know, you're entitled to the right to change your copy, but obviously we can't say everybody's entitled to the right to change Google's copy of a program even if the program is free software.  Y'know even if Google were to develop the program and release it to everyone as free software, you still couldn't change the copy running on their site - and you shouldn't be able to change the copy on their site - but, if you use that copy to do your computation ...

Don't use web services to do things .. to do your own computations, cause if you do, you lose your freedom.'"
--  HOSEF.org/media/audio/PFOSSCON-RichardStallman-2007.01.20.ogg

Is he saying we *must* lose freedom when sharing hardware?  I think he means "under the current conditions".  These problems will increase pressure to finish writing a General Public Law for sharing PropertyLeft free hardware.

"'Property rights are meant to advance human well-being, not as an excuse to disregard it.'" -- Richard Stallman, "The GNU GPL and the American Way"

"'It's not a matter of what the program does in a technical sense, it is a matter of the social system of the program's development and use.  If that social system respects your freedom, then it is free software.  This is decided by the program's license.
Instead of allowing people to do the things they wish to do, they setup, uh, a system of power which resembles .... any sort of .. tyranny, or perhaps, in fact, most resembles a feudal system because each program has it's lord, and when you're using that program it's like being in the territory of a lord.  And the lord simply has power over whatever happens there.  The development of a proprietary program is a command based system like the one in the soviet union.  So, uh, it's complete superstition to think that proprietary software fits better with a free market, free enterprise system than free software does.'"
-- NearthWort.com/2007/02/04/nearthwort-podcast-11-richard-stallman-founder-of-the-free-software-movement

"'I hesitate to exaggerate the importance of this little puddle of freedom . . . Because the more well-known and conventional areas of working for freedom and a better society are tremendously important.  I wouldn't say that free software is as important as they are.  It's the responsibility I undertook, because it dropped in my lap and I saw a way I could do something about it.  But, for example, to end police brutality, to end the war on drugs, to end the kinds of racism we still have, to help everyone have a comfortable life, to protect the rights of people who do abortions, to protect us from theocracy, these are tremendously important issues, far more important than what I do.  I just wish I knew how to do something about them.'" -- NewLeftReview.net/NLR24907.shtml

"'Colloquium #3 for ArsDigita University. Guest speaker Richard Stallman, on 1/2/2001, speaking on "The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System". Notes on the talk available at ArsDigita.'" -- Archive.org/details/arsdigitacoll03

"The Free Software Movement and the Future of Freedom; March 9th 2006 by Richard Stallman in Zagreb, Croatia." http://mjesec.ffzg.hr/~dpavlin/stallman2006/free_software_movement_and_the_future_of_freedom_zagreb_09_march_2006.ogg and FSFEurope.org/documents/rms-fs-2006-03-09.en.html

"'People should make up their own minds, but I want this philosophy to get the benefit of the credit for the results it has achieved.'" -- RMS on why we should use the term "GNU/Linux" when referring to the OS.  Punkcast.com/64 "Free Software: Freedom and Cooperation" Stern Business School - NYC May 29 2001.  Transcript is at Punkcast.com/64/RMSNYU.TXT

"'We have made a great beginning, but that's all it is.'" -- "Richard M Stallman - 'What's GNU?' at the Kaplan Prep Center, NYC - Jan 4 2006." -- Punkcast.com/905 with a special appearance by Saint IGNUcius.

Very short interview from DigitalTippingPoint.com: Archive.org/details/e-dv201_cambridge_3_stallman_08-04_007.ogg

JWZ.org/why-cooperation-with-rms-is-impossible.mp3 RMS singing The Free Software Song

LinuxTechDaily.com/2006/10/stallman-gplv3-attack-by-forbes-is-ridiculous >>Stallman, GPLv3 Attack by Forbes is Ridiculous

Forbes.com/forbes/2006/1030/104_print.html >>Software radical Richard Stallman helped build the Linux revolution.  Now he threatens to tear it apart.

http://Rixstep.com/1/20061016,00.shtml >>He is corpulent and slovenly with long scraggly hair, strands of which he has been known to pluck out and toss into a bowl of soup he is eating. His own website says he engages in 'nasal sex' with flowers. And though he fancies himself a crusader for tech 'freedom', he labours mightily to control how others think, speak and act, arguing in Orwellian doublespeak that his rules are necessary for people to be 'free'. He's Richard Stallman and he's bringing down the work of giants around him.

"'For the first part of the interview Stallman lounges on the sofa minutely examining his split ends, and picking at his hands and T-shirt. Every now and then he sits upright and snaps: "That is total confusion; I can't answer that"; or: "I don't understand what you are talking about." At one point he accuses me of misrepresenting something he said; another time he complains that my questions are driving him "nuts".'" -- Poynder.BlogSpot.com/2006/03/interview-with-richard-stallman.html