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Related: product, host, labor, slave, work

Services are the human outputs of finished production.
Services are the human outputs, skills are the human inputs.
Services are the human outputs, goods are the property outputs.

==== daemons

C:\> services.msc

$ rcconf


http://blog.chandlerproject.org/2007/08/30/chandler-hub-as-an-open-service >>Chandler Hub as an open service

http://tieguy.org/blog/2007/10/07/some-freeopen-services-links >>some free/open services links

http://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2006/07/06/constitutionally-open-services >>Constitutionally open services

FreedomDefined.org/Free_Service_Definition >>The core idea of the Free Service Definition (FSD) is to protect users' freedom when they use services (eg gmail, flickr, todocue, mugshot) --- standardize Terms of Service/Privacy Policies so users know how a service will respect their freedom, privacy, and data. Having a standardized FSD would make the decision to become a freedom-respecting service provider simpler and less risky. We are in the process of defining what a Free Service is.

OpenSocialWeb.org >>A Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web

OpenDefinition.org/osd >>Open Service Definition
