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Related: For Product, Free Farm

                This document is now at Medium.com/@AGNUcius/citycoin-free-as-in-freedom-land-960893e131c1

Money becomes Property: Investors become real co-owners with rights of secession.
Property becomes Product: Owners are consumers paying early for goods and services.
Promises become Property: Workers become owners as they complete work commitments.
Profit becomes Property: Consumers become owners as they buy surplus & pay profit.

district0x.io >>A network of decentralized markets and communities. Create, operate, and govern. Powered by Ethereum, Aragon, and IPFS.


Because of what cities have become, 'City' is not quite right.
Because of what coins have become, 'Coin' is not quite right.

Other Name Ideas:

Free Farm

.... Card
.... Bank
..... Cache