A step in the right direction, but assets are only held for profit.
Smartlands.io >>Smartlands is a worldwide Platform for tokenization of real economy assets by issuing asset-backed tokens (ABT). Use a ready, secure and proven solution developed by Smartlands.
Can we ever break the spell of confusion...
2018-07-26: Purpose-Economy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Purpose_Steward_Ownership_Rethinking_Ownership-in-the-21st-Century.pdf
Who really creates wealth in our world? And how do we decide the value of what they do? At the heart of today's financial and economic crisis is a problem hiding in plain sight. In modern capitalism, value-extraction - the siphoning off of profits, from shareholders' dividends to bankers' bonuses - is rewarded more highly than value-creation: the productive process that drives a healthy economy and society. We misidentify takers as makers, and have lost sight of what value really means. Once a central plank of economic thought, this concept of value - what it is, why it matters to us - is simply no longer discussed.
Yet, argues Mariana Mazzucato in this penetrating and passionate new book, if we are to reform capitalism - to radically transform an increasingly sick system rather than continue feeding it - we urgently need to rethink where wealth comes from. Who is creating it, who is extracting it, and who is destroying it? Answers to these questions are key if we want to replace the current parasitic system with a type of capitalism that is more sustainable, more symbiotic: that works for us all. The Value of Everything will reignite a long-needed debate about the kind of world we really want to live in.
'" -- Penguin.co.uk/books/280466/the-value-of-everything/9780241188828
2018-07-26: We find ourselves in the grip of a profound confusion over the meaning of value.
Abundance has "use value", while scarcity has "exchange value".
Use value is the "usefulness" of a product as a direct physical solution.
Exchange value is the amount charged above the real costs of production.
2018-07-22: FlowerTokens.terra0.org >>Flowertokens is an experimental project centered around the tokenization and verification of natural commodities, and a first attempt at creating a combined crypto-collectible physical asset.
2018-07-18: Failed yet another interview that I thought went perfectly.
2018-07-18: When you own For Product, you can ignore the market.
2018-07-13: If Mortgage == "death grip", let's make Vitagage == "life grip".
2018-07-11: "'I've been writing software for a long time, and I'm competent at my job. I've worked at some well-known companies, and I've interviewed a LOT of people. But I'm here to tell you that even I can't pass one of these interviews without studying. That's a bad thing. If the goal of an interview is to identify competent programmers, we've gone far, far off the rails with these kinds of interviews.'" -- Amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R15HQWY4KY4FOC
2018-07-08: Armory3D.org >>Armory is a real-time 3D engine aimed at creation of 3D games and applications - featuring full Blender integration, state of art rendering and ultra portability.
The $13.27 Billion "Ending Homelessness Act" pays rent for 500,000 people.
But rent is $0 when the owner is the occupier.
Are we sure someone else must be the owner? How does that help?