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2017-08-27: Working on a New Shape.

2017-08-27: House Party: Name for political platform with primary goal of house ownership for everyone.

2017-08-14: Play to Pay - aka - Work to Own
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Property ownership is used as a direct insurance, to enable operation of dangerous machinery, for example.

CLAIM: Profit measures the consumer's lack of ownership in the Means of Production.
GIVEN: The owner of productive Property is the owner of the Products automatically.
GIVEN: The owner of an Apple tree owns all the Apples, even if he did none of the work.
GIVEN: The owners of an Apple orchard each owns his portion of the Apples, even if they did none of the work.
GIVEN: You do not buy that which you already own.
GIVEN: When you own the Means of Production and accept the Product itself as the Return on Investment.