3 people in Breadlandia:
farmer: grain + dirt = grain
miller: grain + mill = flour
baker : flour + oven = bread
Assume each person fills 1 role, doing work for the other 2.
The farmer will work for the miller and the baker if he trusts they will work for him in the future.
One way to solve this is to create tokens and distribute an equal amount to each person.
The baker and miller would give some tokens to the farmer in return for him growing grain for them.
The farmer and baker would pay the miller to mill grain to flour for them.
Finally, the farmer and miller pay the baker to bake their bread.
1. You can pay money to buy land or tools
Money commitments are treated as investments into the sources of the goods and services that person needs. That property may vest immediately.
2. Work commitments are treated as conditional* investments into the sources of the goods and services that person needs. The property must vest incrementally.
(*) Based on the quantity and quality of completed commitments.
3. Profit commitments are treated as accidental* investments into the sources of the goods and services that person needs. The property must vest incrementally.
4. Subgroups may arbitrarily split/fork/secede from the majority - allowing arbitrary-sized cells to form and weild their own localized governance.
This short-circuits and eliminates some transactions; and so eliminates profits, wages and taxes on those missing transactions.
When the consumers are the owners, in exactly the right amount, they do not buy or rent the prodect because it is already the property of the person who will use it. This imputes rent and sales.
When workers swap skills before production, they align themselves with the natural desire to reduce work and even eliminate the job. This imputes wages.
2015-11-18: YouTube.com/watch?v=OSGv2VnC0go
2015-11-18: ugh, must prove I can code...
2015-11-16: rethinking the story...
The farmer can only make wheat.
The miller can only make flour.
The baker can only make bread.
The baker promises to bake bread for the farmer and the miller.
The farmer promises to grow grain for the baker and the miller.
The miller promises to make flour for the baker and the farmer.
2015-11-13: posted to https://www.facebook.com/groups/zerostate/permalink/1244964068862789
1. Property is inversely related to Profit*.
2. Crowd-Funding is an interest-free loan.
Most people pay 1/3 -> 1/2 of their income for interest paid for housing (either directly as a mortgage or indirectly as rent to an owner with a mortgage).
If we could stop paying that interest, the effect would be as good as a very large pay increase.
We will Crowd-Fund cheap agricultural land and compensate workers with ownership instead of wages.
Some of us will move there in tents as we build the first of the shared structures and begin planting the permaculture.
This production arena must be large and complex enough to supply a "Basic Outcome" for the workers plus enough goods and services to pay the Crowd-Fund investors.
We will do all of this without loans, and so without paying interest.
Investors receive Product as a natural side-effect of being the co-owners of the production arena.
Workers are treated the same as investors, and so also become co-owners and receive all they need (food, shelter, medical care, transportation, communication) as a natural side-effect of their co-ownership in each of those industries.
Lack of economy-of-scale makes this unrealistic for single individuals.
But we can achieve economy-of-scale in groups.
This returns consumers to the helm of production, where they belong and eliminates our insane drive to perpetuate employment; so simplification, automation and robotics become our friends.
And we can achieve diversity in production if the group is large enough to supply the labor needed to achieve those goals.
This creates a "Basic Outcome" for those participants and reduces the need to move tokens within that production arena toward buying inputs from outside that have not yet been fully vertically integrated.
When the consumer of some product is the owner of the sources or the means of that production and accepts the product as the return on investment, then the price he pays as a consumer is exactly the costs he paid as an owner, and so price == costs and profit does not exist because the transaction did not occur.
This shows the origin of profit is the consumer's lack of ownership in the means of production.
And so we can create business that safely operates at zero profit without harming investors iff (if and only if) the consumers are the investors and owners.
Crowd funding is a baby step in this direction, but we need property ownership (tempered by a Terms of Operation enforcing a set of constraints in the material world similar in purpose to the GNU GPL in the virtual realm.)
But we must also care for latecomers (the dynamic case).
Imagine we sell the surplus of such a corporation to non-owners and collect a profit during that transaction.
If we treat some % of that profit as an investment from the payer, then these late consumers slowly gain the ownership needed to also receive the product at cost as a result of their property ownership in the means of production.
This flies in the face of the typical assumption that the workers must bear the costs of ownership.
But it is actually to the workers' advantage to not have that enormous cost - let the damn customers pay for all the land and tools!
So a big part of the reason we use money is to buy products. But you do not need to buy that which you already own! If you are part owner of a dairy, then you do not need to buy milk because you own your portion already.
Another, separate reason we usually need money is to pay and receive wages for work that needs to be done.
Time banking comes close to solving this, but has fundamental flaw in the time-order of it's operations.
It is crucial that workers be able to issue their part of this insuring-currency *before* they do the work.
Think of it as a "promise to pay" in the form of future labor.
When combined with properly distributed property and sufficient vertical integration, we remove nearly all of usual need to pass tokens within that community.
This is a two part optimization that uses property to "pre-distribute" goods and uses promises to "predictively-schedule" services.
This forms the basis of a true insurance for any good or service we wish to guarantee.
These are 'titles' instead of 'tokens'. They are backed by both:
1.) The property needed to create a future product.
2.) The promises needed to create a future product.
These titles can be used as a currency when the property or promises that back them was improperly allocated (maybe someone changed their mind about wanting peaches, and so wants to sell their portion of the orchard, or maybe had an accident and cannot pick peaches, and so must re-negotiate with the community to do some other work).
See also: http://CrossCrowdPredictiveProduction.github.io
2015-11-11: Restarting Crowd Control
2015-11-02: Thinking of groups similar to OSCEDays.org
http://Appropedia.org "Our vision is that all of humanity is able to work together developing and realizing rich, sustainable lives. We build the infrastructure, and help make the connections and populate free content to effect that vision. We provide the living resource library of individuals and organizations working towards a sustainable, healthier future, so that efforts can be spent evolving instead of duplicating past efforts."
http://OpenSourceEcology.org "We're developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy -- an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration."
http://OpenITAgency.eu "Hi, we are the Open It Agency. We are focussing on Open-Source-Hardware, -Design & -Collaboration. We do Consultancy, Education, Communication and Selected Technical Support and push own projects on Open Source for Sustainability. Browse this site for resources, get in touch with requests, or join one of our active projects."