2014-05-27: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-profit_condition explains profit approaches zero as Barriers to Entry approach zero. And so profit increases as source access decreases.
2014-05-23: Frame the IOTA as a device to stabilize the system through a counterbalance or float-valve arrangement.
Production is a multi-dynamic system needing several negative-feedback loops for long-term stability.
Highlight the business and social advantages of internal governance.
2014-05-22: Went to HackNightSLC.com at ImpactHub.org. It was mediocre. They mentioned IGDA.org, RaptorCircus.com, UtahGamesGuild.com, SaltLake.ImpactHub.net, National Day for Civic Hacking.
2014-05-21: Leaning toward the title "Crowd Owned", especially since I keep bringing it up to contrast against "Crowd Funded" ~ partly to help create a familiar context.
2014-05-20: Simplified: Be Prepared.
By owning sources before we need goods, and 'owning' promises before we need services, we eliminate the perceived need for money and receive products at cost under our full control.
2014-05-18: Some crowd-funding/bounty sites: FreedomSponsors.org, BountySource.com, FOSSFactory.org, BountyOSS.com, CoFundOS.org, Goteo.org, Power2People.org, CROUNTY.com
2014-05-18: Title ideas: Direct Bounty, Crowd Bounty, Crowd Control
2014-05-17: Trying to envision icons for each IOTA term:
Product is the owner's natural return: Fruit from tree to hand
Sources are the consumer's investment: Share trees, get fruit
Promises are the worker's investment: Schedule work, get tree
Profit is the payer's dumb investment: Buy fruit, get tree
Property forking is the owner's right: Split the orchard
2014-05-16: Noticed these
CommonGreen.Weebly.com >>Help Yourself! is a non profit that plants orchards and gardens in public places in the Pioneer Valley of Western Mass. Maintained by volunteers from the community, all the food is free for anyone to harvest.
UnSeenStudios.com >>This is a launchpad for content by the eSports personality Gillyweed and the programmer Ogre!
2014-05-12: Trying to wrapup the theory and then start again, repositioning CCPP as a slight modification to business as usual.
I think a more prescriptive approach might be easier to understand.
Instead of explaining the inner theoretical workings, just describe the external actions and effects as a variation of what is already well known.
2014-05-09: Met some people involved with GNUity.com
2014-05-09: Some other titles I maybe haven't mentioned:
Community Owned Agriculture
Basic Outcome
Security Social
2014-05-09: Promises + sources => goods & services;
2014-05-08: The input/output model can be simplified as pipeline optimization. Within CCPP, sources are transformed into products without changing owners.