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Related: clean, water, sanitation, sewer, sort, tray

A few ideas to make washing easier:

Fit laundry and dish washers with containers that automatically dispense a configurable amount of soap.

Multiple trays

Multiple laundry chutes (3 to 5) let the user sort clothes early.

Each chute dump into the washer when reaching a weight limit and if another load is not running.

Washers need to be redesigned so we can easily dump the clean load into the dryer.

For we may need to build a robot that peels the clothes from the inside of the washer.

Dryer dumps into basket on counterbalanced dumb-waiter returns to owner.

WashBot, RoboScrub
Thinking of a little cleaning unit to steam-clean floors and bottom of walls.
Smaller version cleans countertops.
Could dress them as pets.