2014-04-29: Noticed MemBean.com
2014-04-29: We need real assurance, not usurous insurance.
2014-04-17: Property Future is a poor title for the concept, but I don't have a better alternative. Some ideas:
Product Future - This was the original title, but I changed it because it is already misused by the current system
possible subtitles:
Deed: can represent either a title of property ownership or an act of work.
2014-04-15: The platform should appear nearly the same as what is already available, with value 'translated' internally to achieve our larger goals.
sell goods Classifieds, garage sale
buy goods Classifieds, garage sale, MalWart
loan sources Classifieds
rent sources Classifieds, Rental Agency
get hired Classifieds, MalWart
hire help Classifieds
2014-04-15: I've been trying to think through the changes needed to make Askbot.com a platform for micro cross-funding.
2014-04-09: Again considering the titles "Life Assurance", "Health Assurance", "Basic Outcome"
2014-04-09: Adding some terms attempting to increase symmetry:
inputs -> production -> outputs
sources + promises -> production -> goods + services
"Common Ownership" seems to mean property owned by either of everybody or nobody.
With Common Ownership, activity is high but accountability is too low and so property is destroyed.
"Public Ownership" seems to mean property owned by representatives or a 'council' (direct translation of 'Soviet').
The tragedy of Public Ownership is: ???
"Private Ownership" seems to mean the property being used for the purpose of subjugating consumers to extract profit.
Private Ownership cloaks this nefarious goal behind a pretended mask of privacy. This causes questioning the validity of Private Ownership to sometimes be interpreted as questioning the validity of privacy instead of the validity of subjugation.
The tragedy of Private Ownership is ???
Searching for a term for property shared for internal benefit and where growth of that pool 'flows' to those who cause that growth.
2014-04-03: Review of "'Intellectual Property Rights and Intellectual Property Left -- The Case of the Operating System Linux'" -- http://wbk.in-berlin.de/wp_nuss/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/nussheller_engl.pdf
2014-04-03: Thinking again of how economic imputation is similar to the "zero-copy" concept in computer programming. Imputation eliminates unnecessary transactions similar to simplifying mathematical equations.
2014-04-01: Trying to assemble a new FAQ based on questions from Spencer Campbell and Timothy Butler.