2013-09-26: Title idea: Product Futures Foundation
2013-09-26: from CommonsAbundance.net/2013/07/13/rethinking-sustainable-development-in-terms-of-commons/#Questions_to_be_asked_when_making_policy_recommendations_reassessed_through_on-going_monitoring_processes
- How is it linked to the commons as a system?
- What context does it address?
- What people/practices, assets and outcomes does it associate?
- What dimension of the commons does it grow/stop depleting?
- What dimensions of the commons does it put at risk?
- What are the risks of enclosure, abuse, over-exploitation?
- Who has access? How is over-usage and depletion protected?
- How is enclosure, appropriation, abusive exploitation prevented?
- Who are the stakeholders? How are they involved?
The stakeholders are the people that need the results of that production.
- How open and transparent are the decision processes and modes of governance?
- Where does the power lie?
- What are the learning and conflict resolution mechanisms in place?
- How does this contribute to empowering and enabling self-realization and self-healing at the individual and community level?
- What elements or circumstances could make it become detrimental to the commons?
- What are the assessment and correction mechanisms in place?
- How are assets, practices and outcomes assessed in inter-related ways?
- What are the mechanisms in place to avoid misinterpretation and misappropriation of the goal, target and indicator?
2013-09-25: Posted to G+ for Campus.FTAcademy.org/wiki/index.php/Free_Knowledge_Incubator
I have discovered a way to compensate specialization without resorting to the use of money and without enduring the "simultaneous coincidence of wants" that typical barter suffers.
This approach is only applicable to the goods and services we can predict we will need.
But that is more realistic than you might first imagine since, for many people, their paycheck is essentially already spent even before they even receive it because they have a long list of bills to pay for food, housing, utilities, gasoline, etc.
This discovery is in some ways very simple, but in other ways quite difficult to digest because of the different viewpoint you must take.
I hope I can work with some of you to explain and develop this important work.