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Related: interest, land, mortgage, profit, rent, usury
Debt is gone when property is owned For Product.
ETHLend.io >>
White Paper - Democratizing Lending -- github.com/ETHLend/Documentation/blob/master/ETHLendWhitePaper.md
Dharma.io >>Borrow and lend on the blockchain. Dharma is a platform for building borderless lending products using programmable, tokenized debt.
>> Ripio Credit Network (“RCN”) is a protocol based on smart contracts and blockchain
>> technology, which brings enhanced transparency and reliability in credit and lending.
>> The protocol enables connections between lenders and borrowers located anywhere in
>> the world, regardless of currency. By reducing the traditional banking brokerage costs
>> and management fees, RCN aims to allow better conditions for both sides, creating a
>> better credit alternative than anything available today. By including an intermediary
>> agent (the “Cosigner”), the RCN seeks to neutralize the lender’s credit risk and, in case
>> of a default, provide an alternative mechanism for managing the debt collection in the
>> borrower’s country of residence.